World Pre-eclampsia 2017

Global Pre-Eclampsia Initiative (GPI) in partnership with St. Augustine International

University (SAIU) – Kampala, Uganda co-hosted the First World Preeclampsia Day (WPD)

on 22 May 2017 to commemorate the first ever World Preeclampsia Day in Uganda. The event

took place at the SAIU campus on Ggaba Road, Bunga Hill. It was honoured with the presence

of key stakeholders representing health care practitioners, researchers, the academia,

Information Technology (IT) sector and community mobilizers Non-Governmental

Organizations (NGOs).

The WPD was observed in order to recognize the plight of Mothers and infants who have
suffered due to Preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy, typically occurring after
the 20th week of gestation, which, if not diagnosed early, usually results in a pre-mature
delivery and high mortality risk for both mother and child. Eclampsia means Lightening in Greek.
It is characterized by sudden and dangerous spikes in blood pressure, protein in the urine,
abnormal swelling of feet, face, and hands, upper abdominal pain, and nausea. The only known
treatment is to deliver the baby. Preeclampsia is the most common known cause of premature
birth and is responsible for half a million neonatal deaths every year worldwide.

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